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Suffering from Chronic Low Back Pain

Chronic low back pain steals so much of life. Now there’s a way to get back to living. The IntraceptTM Procedure: the outpatient procedure for proven relief of chronic vertebrogenic low back pain.

The Only Procedure Designed to Relieve Vertebrogenic Pain

That spontaneous road trip, that special hug, that long-lost workout routine: let’s bring these moments back. The IntraceptTM Procedure is the only procedure specifically designed to target the basivertebral nerve for the relief of chronic vertebrogenic low back pain—letting people lean into life again. That’s living proof.

Metro Denver Pain Management Understands

You don't have to live with pain that negatively affects your quality of life. Metro Denver Pain Management is dedicated to providing this innovative, FDA approved treatment for patients suffering from this distinct type of chronic low back pain.

Request an Appointment
Set an appointment to find out if IntraceptTM is the solution for you.

About Metro Denver Pain Management

Our specialist, Dr. Jonathan Bernardini sees patients in Denver and Colorado Springs.

Contact us now for an appointment.


Dr. Jonathan Bernardini

is originally from Ocean City, NJ. He earned his medical degree from Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Jersey. Dr. Bernardini has been practicing with MD PAIN for 10 years.



10700 E. Geddes Ave., Suite 100
Englewood, CO 80112

Colorado Springs

6455 N. Union Blvd., Suite 100
Colorado Springs, CO 80918

How Patients Describe Vertebrogenic Pain
Patients who find relief from the IntraceptTM Procedure often describe pain in the middle of their low back that is made worse by physical activity, prolonged sitting, and bending forward, or with bending and lifting.1
Vertebrogenic Pain - bending
Vertebrogenic Pain- activity
Vertebrogenic Pain - lifting
Vertebrogenic Pain-sitting
Proven Relief of Vertebrogenic Pain

The IntraceptTM Procedure Overview

The IntraceptTM Procedure is a minimally invasive, outpatient procedure for patients with vertobrogenic pain.
The procedure targets a specific nerve within the vertebra called the basivertebral nerve and has been shown to improve function and relieve pain long-term.
The procedure is implant-free, preserving future treatment options for other spine conditions.
Procedure - brief recovery
Brief recovery, same-day procedure
Procedure - long term pain relief
Long-term pain relief after a single procedure
 Procedure - minimally invasive
Minimally invasive
Procedure - implant free
Procedure - proven safety
Proven safety profile
Procedure - spine structure
Preserves overall spine structure

How Does the IntraceptTM Procedure Work?

Proven Relief

  • NEARLY 80% of patients in a recent long-term study would have the Intracept Procedure again for the same condition.
  • AFTER 5 YEARS, 65% of patients reported they had resumed the level of activity they enjoyed prior to low back pain in a recent long-term study.
  • LESS THAN 0.2% rate of serious device or procedure-related complications reported.
  • BASED ON OVER 30 YEARS of research.
Proven Relief
  • NEARLY 80% of patients in a recent long-term study would have the Intracept Procedure again for the same condition.
  • AFTER 5 YEARS, 65% of patients reported they had resumed the level of activity they enjoyed prior to low back pain in a recent long-term study.
  • LESS THAN 0.2% rate of serious device or procedure-related complications reported.
  • BASED ON OVER 30 YEARS of research.
Proven Relief
  • NEARLY 80% of patients in a recent long-term study would have the IntraceptTM Procedure again for the same condition.
  • AFTER 5 YEARS, 65% of patients reported they had resumed the level of activity they enjoyed prior to low back pain in a recent long-term study.
  • LESS THAN 0.3% rate of serious device or procedure-related complications reported.
  • BASED ON OVER 25 YEARS of research.
Intracept arrows

Meet Patients Who Chose IntraceptTM and Are Living Proof


1. Fischgrund J, Rhyne A, Macadaeg K, et al. Long-term outcomes following intraosseous basivertebral nerve ablation for the treatment of chronic low back pain: 5-year treatment arm results from a prospective randomized double-blind sham-controlled multi-center study. Eur Spine J. 2020;29(8):1925-34.

2. Koreckij T, Kreiner S, Khalil JG, Smuck M, Markman J, Garfin S. Prospective, randomized, multicenter study of intraosseous basivertebral nerve ablation for the treatment of chronic low back pain: 24-month treatment arm results. NASSJ. Published online October 26, 2021. DOI:

Set an appointment to find out if
IntraceptTM is the solution for you.

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